I’m dashing off this quick little blurb about one month too late for Thanksgiving. I looked forward before I looked back at 2011. It was a memorable golfing year for me and I’d like to take the time to share those memories and gratitude with you.

~The Bethpage Binge: This is #1 on the list of memories. All five Bethpage courses, sandwiched between Paramount on the front and Tall Grass/Links at Union Vale on the back end. Great traveling companions, a career round of 74 on Bethpage’s Red course (from dem tips, no less!) and loads of photos for reminiscence;

~Coudersport: who would have thunked that a little, homespun course in northwest PA, where Adelphia Cable (RIP) was born, would be so much fun? The Scrambler, which is why he insisted I go. If you haven’t played hill courses enough, you should. Their topography necessitates an understanding of the ground game. We have plenty (Chautauqua, Holiday Valley, Tri-County, Byrncliff, Peak ‘n Peek, et al) that emphasize the carom, returning golf to its ground-game roots, always a good thing;

~Marie Achkar: She came in on the tail end of the year and offered such great fitness advice that I’m currently in the midst of a training cycle with her. In fact, I’m heading out tomorrow for a nine ay-em glute-kicker! It’s no coincidence that my stolen rounds this Fall were some of the best I’ve played in a long time. So stable over the ball!

~Greg Vogelsang: Another late arrival, this hickory golfer introduced me, The Scrambler and Hoxie to the beauty of wooden shafts. I haven’t swung that slow in years, so it was nice to focus on square contact versus explosive impact. I’ll need a serious influx of cash to be able to afford my own set, but at least I already have the putter (thanks, Sweetwood Golf!)

~Transit Valley: this fine club gave me the opportunity to shoot over 1200 images of the course at three (dawn, noon and dusk) unique times of day. If you haven’t had the chance to watch a golf course wake up, stretch, then go back to sleep, consider it.

Other memories were created in 2011. These five were the principle ones. Check back next week for my New Year’s Resolutions.

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