The Buffalo Amputee Golf Classic is a four-man team, best-ball tournament that is supported by the Eastern Amputee Golf Association. The EAGA’s objective is to assist in the rehabilitation of amputees and to provide for their general welfare, both physical and psychological, through the medium of golf and its associated activities.
The BAGC awards gross and net prizes to amputee and non-amputee golfers alike. Golf handicaps are used, and USGA Rules of Golf are applicable. Funds are raised through a putting contest, 50/50 split club and live and basket auctions for a scholarship awarded to a qualified applicant who is an amputee student and/or child of an amputee member.
We conduct the tournament to provide golfers of all skills not only the challenge of playing the course, but also an opportunity for friendship and networking. The 7th Annual Buffalo Amputee Golf Classic will take place on Monday, June 29, at Brierwood Country Club in Hamburg, NY 14075

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