Erik Anders Lang makes films and is more comfortable as a videographer and speaker, than he is as a typist. If you click the image above, you’ll be taken to the official web site of his upcoming documentary on golf and the mental game, Be The Ball. If you click his photo between questions 3 and 4, you’ll be taken to his official site. As golf aficionados, we all welcome books, movies, shows, anything about this game we cannot abandon. Erik Lang agreed to an interview and, true to form, sent it as an audio file. For the first time in BuffaloGolfer’s recorded history, we present (questions beneath the audio file) an audio interview, and the speaker is Erik Anders Lang.
1. Tell us about yourself and your connection to each of the following: golf, golf’s mental side and film.
2. What was the moment of epiphany that a documentary on golf was worth pursuing?
3. How did you develop the structure and the story line for Be The Ball?
4. If you wish to preserve anonymity, that’s fine. Which interview subjects have proven to be the most valuable and why? Same question for most interesting and why?
5. You focus on golf’s importance in a variety of places around the globe. How did you come to identify those areas and what did you glean from your time spent there?
6. I’m a cynic and I’m going to say that, much like New Year’s Fitness Resolutions, people will try this Be The Ball thing for a few days or weeks, then they’ll quit. Why? They have no resilience. PROVE ME WRONG!!
7. What is your dream scenario for golf over the next 25 years, with your movie and experiment as catalysts?
8. Those who know Caddyshack recognize Chevy Chase/Ty Webb’s famous line, be the ball, Danny. Is there more to the title than a simple homage to the greatly confused one?
9. What question haven’t I asked, that you wish I would? Your turn, so ask it and answer it.


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