It has been a pleasure to receive answers to interview questions from western New York’s golf course superintendents. The WNYGCSA is the organizational and administrative body that promotes proper golf course superintendency in our area, and its members clearly have a story that they would like to tell. Have a look at the list of interview published and catch up on the ones you missed. If you’ve read them all, thank you. Be sure to revisit all of them, to review the marvelous answers to our questions.

-Date of IView- 

-Name of Subject- 

-Golf Course/Club- 

-Link To Interview-

Feb. 01

Eric Tuchols

Harvest Hill gc

Eric’s Interview

Feb. 14

Adam Mis

Brookfield cc

Adam’s Interview

Mar. 07

Thad Thompson

Terry Hills gc

Thad’s Interview

Mar. 28

Jeffrey Ferguson

Rothland gc

Jeff’s Interview

Apr.  11

Bob Kelly

Orchard Park cc 

 Bob’s Interview

Apr. 25 

Drew Thompson

East Aurora cc 

Drew’s Interview

May  09 

Scott Dodson

Park cc 

Scott’s Interview 

May  22 

Brian Conn

Transit Valley cc 

Brian’s Interview 

Jun. 06 

Scott Howard

Fox Valley gc

Scott’s Interview 

Jun. 20

Jerry Martin

Holiday Valley r

Jerry’s Interview

Jul. 19

Trevor Burlingame

Chautauqua gc

Trevor’s Interview

Jul. 28

Corey Randall

Elma Meadows gc

Corey’s Interview


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