Featured Tip: Tight Hip Flexor Cure

I was going to call this tip “Foam Roller Bargain” you’ll see why when you read on.

Pardon the departure from my normal golf specific tip, but I thought many reading this might benefit, enjoy!

Over the course of this winter I spent a lot of time at my desk being relatively sedentary, and I developed a tightness in my left hip flexor muscle. I also believe that I pulled it when I was doing an aggressive lunge exercise a couple months ago.

I had seen an article on foam rolling the sartorious muscle – click here to get to the article and video

I talked it over with my daughter Colleen, who is a Physical Therapy Assistant at the V.A. and asked her what her opinion was of foam rollers for rehabbing injuries like mine. She agreed that it might be a good idea, so she gave me a few other exercises and I was off to buy a foam roller.

The first place I went was a major sporting goods store, and the foam roller I wanted was around $70.

Then something very unusual for me happened – I didn’t buy it :-).

It looked like a lot for such a simple device, so I left the store thinking that I’d make my own out of some PVC and foam. I called my daughter again, and she mentioned that a patient of hers found one at the $5 and Under Store, which was about 100 yards from where I was parked.

Sure enough, they had one that cost $5! Not as fancy as the $70 one, but it was the right size and it totally gets the job done.

I’ve only been using it for a few days, but I’ve noticed more range in my left hip area already.

If you have a sedentary lifestyle and want to maintain some flexibility in your hip area for your golf swing, try the exercise above – and the $5 foam roller – I think you’ll like it.

Comments: ttucker@rochester.rr.com

Love your practice, own your swing, own your health,


Bonus Tip: Unconditional Self Confidence

Take the time to appreciate a good shot as it flies to the target and settles down just like you imagined it would in your mind. This will imprint a positive image in your mind and build confidence.

Then, after your round, instead of thinking about your poor shots and bad breaks, spend a few minutes reflecting on your good decisions and good shots.

These simple actions help you build unconditional self confidence, and when you have that everything improves!


Tom Tucker’s Bio

I conduct lessons at The Plum Creek Driving Range & Practice Facility
there’s a link for Plum Creek info here: http://www.tomtuckergolf.com/

Lessons are available for all ages and skill levels, please contact
me – Tom Tucker – at (716) 474 3005 or email me at ttucker@rochester.rr.com
for more information.

Outdoor Lessons Details and Rates:

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Tom Tucker and Plum Creek Driving Range

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