Someone at Augusta National had the common sense to penalize Tianlang Guan. After all, he was the only fellow playing slowly on Friday at the Masters. He was the only guy in the threesome who took an extra bit of time to prepare and execute shots.

Guan is already 14 years old and he needs to learn that the world is not a fair place. After all, Ben Crane is one of the slowest golfers out there and not only has he never been penalized, but he gets to make awesomely delicious videos with Bubba, Ricks and Hunts. Would you want THAT for T-Guan? Heck no.

Good on you, Mr. Rules Guy. 14 is way too old to have any dreams, so now that you may have squashed this one (Lang might miss the cut), let me point you in the direction of Erik Compton, Charlie Owens and Casey Martin. Work your magic on them.

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