Monday, May 15th, is a landmark day for the western New York golf community. Golfers with an interest in serving others will join with those who face the challenge of stroke survival, Parkinson’s disease, spine injury, limb loss, and other, life-altering situations. The Adaptive Golf Buffalo chapter will meet at Glen Oak Golf Club, 711 Smith Road in north Amherst, to break ground on this important initiative.

David Windsor, a PGA professional from Atlanta, will watch over the entire day. Windsor, originally from Geneva, New York, founder of the Adaptive Golf Academy.

Coach training will take place from 8:30 until 2:30, and a clinic for the adaptive golf community will follow, from 3:30 until 4:30. For more information, please click the link below for a PDF flyer on the day’s events.

Adaptive Golf Buffalo Lunch_Learn_Clinic

Although Adaptive Golf Buffalo is not currently seeking sponsors, the organization does accept donations to support its efforts. A second flyer for those interested in making a tax-deductible contribution to support the events of May 15th, and the organization, is linked below.

Sponsor Pledge Form Buffalo_2


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