The Weekender: Post Halloween Blues

I’ve always liked week-long celebrations, despite never making it to Mardi Gras or Carnaval. It seems a gyp that Halloween is a one-nighter. I don’t worship evil, mind you, but I love lighting the pumpkins up at watching them glow each evening. Don’t...

Stolen Holes: A Series

Part Two: Dirty Golf Unbelievably, I snuck out for more golf on Thursday, again while the monkeys were off dancing. After, I went across the street to have my Two-Ball extended into a belly putter, but that’s another tale (yet unwritten) for another time. You...

Stolen Holes: A Series

Part One: The Seven Stages of Fall Muni Golf Given the fortune of working near Colvin & Amherst, knowing that child # 4 would be at play rehearsal until 8 pm, I dropped # 3 off at dance and shot back to work this afternoon. Not to do additional work, mind you, but...

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