Tom Tucker’s 2018 Golf Tips: Stage 18

Tom Tucker’s 2018 Golf Tips: Stage 18

Tom’s Featured Tip: Mental Game – Get Better Before You Swing A Club  For simplicity, all advice on actual swings or drills is provided from a right handed perspective.  Here’s a mental game tip about how to get better before you even...
Tom Tucker’s 2018 Golf Tips: Stage 18

Tom Tucker’s 2018 Golf Tips: Stage 17

Tom’s Featured Tip: Mid Round Blowups Cure  I coach players with varying degrees of skill. Once in awhile we’ll review a round played at a high level of competition that was going well then fell apart in the middle of the round –...
Tom Tucker’s 2018 Golf Tips: Stage 18

Tom Tucker’s 2018 Golf Tips: Stage 16

Tom’s Featured Tip: Dan Grastorf  Batavia Country Club lost a friend Wednesday when Dan Grastorf, age 46, passed away suddenly.  Dan left behind a wife and two young children ages 6 months and two years.  Unfortunately, Dan was unable to get...
RTJ Golf Trail: The Links that thinks it’s a Lakes

RTJ Golf Trail: The Links that thinks it’s a Lakes

The Grand National stop on the RTJ Trail is located on Lake Saugahatchee, near both Auburn (pronounced AWW-burn) and Opelika (pronounced oh-puh-LIE-cuh). Feel free to extend the LIE syllable for 2 or 3 seconds, and you’ll be welcomed with open arms. It’s a...

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