In 2013, rather than interview the champions of local, state and national events (who knows, we still might…) BuffaloGolfer.Com chooses to honor the passionate golfers of western New York, from all walks of life. Lawyers, bus drivers, cooks, cleaners, you name it. If you know one, email us or leave a comment at the end and we’ll feature her or him. We continue the series with a second local lawyer. We hope that you enjoy this revealing interview and that you consider making a donation to his organization.

William Savino

William Savino in mid-lash, preparing to send another ball skyward.










1. State your name, home course and average 18-hole score or handicap.

William F. Savino. Park Country Club. Average 18 hole score: according to the computer : 108 (handicap varies between 31 and 32)


2. How did you get hooked by this game?

Tom Sharp and his dad took me to the Red 9 (Niagara Falls Municipal Golf Course) when I was in 8th grade. In high school I stopped for 22 years because I was disgusted at my inability to be good. And then I went back to golfing after my cousin Frank took me to Stafford Country Club.


3. How often do you play?

Average 27 holes per week from May – October (almost every Saturday and Sunday afternoon and occasional evenings after dinner in June/July).


4. Do you ever practice? If so, what parts of your game?

When one part of my game becomes particularly dysfunctional, I will watch YouTube videos on how to do the shot and then try to replicate. I also go to driving ranges in Florida during spring break to prepare (such as I can) for the new golf year.


5. Describe the best shot you have hit in this lifetime.

Birdied #5 at Park Club after laying up 100 yards from the hole. I drained a short iron right into the cup on a rainy Sunday night golfing with my daughter. Because of the poor visibility, I sent Emma ahead to check the cup but she told me that there was no ball was in it, and when I frowned she opened her hand with my ball that she had lifted from the cup (and which I keep in our bedroom to this day).

A former NFL QB and William, preparing to tee it up in a local fundraiser.

A former NFL QB and William, preparing to tee it up in a local fundraiser.


6. Describe the worst shot you have hit in this lifetime.

Losing my temper at NFCC and throwing a long iron into the brambles forcing my host to retrieve it (coming out of the thicket looking like St. Sebastian after the arrows)


7. Are you a walker or a rider most often and why?

I am a walker because of my desire for exercise and reluctance to spend unnecessary $$.


8. Reveal the most best golf course you’ve ever played and what makes it “the best” from your vantage point.

My home course, Park Country Club because more than 1/2 the holes have natural water calling “feed me” to my erratic golf swing.


9. What does golf do for you? What keeps you coming back?

I keep hoping to find a way to use my intelligence to overcome my physical limitations but I haven’t figured out yet how to do that.


10. What question haven’t I asked, that you would love to answer? Ask it and answer it.

How did you spend 2 hours on Pebble Beach and not lose a ball?

I walked 17 and 18 for the Concours d’Elegance car show and never swung a club.

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