Some Average Joe golfers love the game for the courses they play, others for the equipment that they use. Still others enjoy the handicap competition at their level. This week’s subject seems to take one thing away from each round of golf, be it playing or coaching: camaraderie. Meet Cory McAllister, Average Joe #4.

1. State your name, home course and average 18-hole score or handicap, along with your profession.

Cory McAllister, Gowanda Country Club, 77- Safety and Security Manager at National Air Cargo, Inc

2. How did you get hooked by this game?

I was approximately 10 years old, played soccer avidly, my mother and father purchased me a junior set of clubs and from that day forward I played with dad and friends.

3. How often do you play?

I used to play as much as 60 times a year, since having a daughter in 2011 I play approximately 10 times a year with my wife’s permission.

4. Do you ever practice? If so, what parts of your game?

Not really, unless hitting an occasional bucket of balls before my round counts.

5. Describe the best shot you have hit in this lifetime.

When I was 16 I was in a playoff to determine the Jr. Champion while playing at Cazenovia Golf Course, was under a tree approximately 120 yards out, hit a driver to approx. 2 feet, made the putt and secured the victory.

6. Describe the worst shot you have hit in this lifetime.

Crown Royal- kidding- I’ve yet to hit a bad shot, each shot- good or bad gives you a unique opportunity to strive to hit a better shot each time you address the ball.

7. Are you a walker or a rider most often and why?

Depends on who I’m playing with and what they would like to do- either way works for me.

8. Reveal the best golf course you’ve ever played and what makes it “the best” from your vantage point.

Stonehenge course at Fairfield Glade community club, Tennessee- it’s the best to me because I had the privilege to play with my late grandfather, Don Wettlaufer

9. What does golf do for you? What keeps you coming back?

It’s a time to enjoy the weather, release the stress from my day to day lifestyle and occasionally enjoy a cold drink with friends/family.

10. What if anything is gratifying to you about playing the game?

I’m a high school golf coach for the Bishop Timon Tigers (my alma mater)- this allows me an opportunity to spend time to fine tune the golf skills of high school boys at a very impressionable time of their lives. My high school coach did the same for me and it always makes me feel good to be able to influence their lives in a positive manner.

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