If you didn’t know by now, BuffaloGolfer.Com’s Mo’ Golf is a proud member of the Buffalo District Golf Association’s board of directors…in good standing, we might add. He was tasked with assisting the development of the new BDGA website, and can report that the site is almost fully functional. What is ready to go, as of 9 AM today, is the registration component for all BDGA 2018 tournaments. In order to register, you have to have a Golf Genius account. Don’t worry: all USGA allied golf associations use Golf Genius now. For a step-by-step instructional path, read below and follow the prompts. The 2018 season is just around the corner, so don’t delay. Register today.

Step 1: As seen below, visit www.buffalogolf.org and click the 2018 SCHEDULE link in the left sidebar


Step 2: Choose the tournament for which you wish to register.

Step 3: Click the SIGN IN/REGISTER link in the upper-right corner, beneath the Buffalo District Golf Association logo

Step 4: Create your BDGA account on Golf Genius 

Step 5: After you’ve created your Golf Genius account, you can register for your tournaments, with or without your GHIN number. The arrow points to “Without” but you have our permission to use “With.” 


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