Buffalo’s Best 18


Best 18 Holes in Buffalo-Niagara







First 6 Holes







Front Six~Buffalo-Niagara's Best 18









Hole #13-Holiday Valley Resort
Hole #14-Lockport Town & Country Club
Hole #15-Byrncliff Resort
Hole #16-Harvest Hill Golf Course
Hole #17-Tri-County Country Club
Hole #18-Arrowhead Golf Club

Link To Map of Buffalo-Niagara’s Best 18

Related Articles~Previous Votes

18th Hole Vote (310)                                17th Hole Vote (170)
16th Hole Vote(274)                       15th Hole Vote (1126)
14th Hole Vote (279)                      13th Hole Vote (71)
11th Hole Vote(365)                       12th Hole Vote (392)
9th Hole Vote(542)
                        10th Hole Vote(532)
7th Hole Vote(263)
                         8th Hole Vote(266)
6th Hole Vote(659)
                         5th Hole Vote(420)
4th Hole Vote (275)                         3rd Hole Vote(116)
2nd Hole Vote (59)                          1st Hole Vote(61)

Related Articles~Omission Series

Omitted 17th Holes                       Omitted 18th Holes
Omitted 15th Holes                       Omitted 16th Holes
Omitted 13th Holes                       Omitted 14th Holes
Omitted 11th Holes                       Omitted 12th Holes
Omitted 9th Holes                         Omitted 10th Holes
Omitted 7th Holes                         Omitted 8th Holes
Omitted 6th Holes
                         Omitted 5th Holes
Omitted 4th Holes                         Omitted 3rd Holes
Omitted 2nd Holes                        Omitted 1st Holes

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