The Buffalo’s Favorite Golf Course: Public Division came to a close this morning. There was a clear winner, and our trickery (the 10% allotted to the gap between + and – votes) fizzled. We shall dispense with the numbers first, and then reveal the winner of Buffalo’s Favorite Golf Course for 2021.

To begin, here is what we know:

   139 votes cast.
   74 votes for.
   53% +; 47% -.
Glen Oak         
   144 votes cast.
   58 votes for.
   40% +; 60% -.
Harvest Hill     
   122 votes cast.
   62 votes for.
   51% +; 49% –
Links at Ivy Ridge
   130 votes cast.
   70 votes for.
   58% +; 42% -.
Seneca Hickory Stick
   120 votes cast.
   66 votes for.
   55% +; 45% -.
Terry Hills
   177 votes cast.
   85 votes for.
   48% +; 52% -.

Given our voting format, it is 100% impossible to determine how many individual voters participated. Voter A might have selected voted in one poll; Vote B, in two polls; and so forth.

On pure + votes alone, the numbers broke down like this:

Terry Hills – 85
Byrncliff – 74
Links at Ivy Ridge – 70
Seneca Hickory Stick – 66
Harvest Hill – 62
Glen Oak – 58

By the powers vested in us, we declare Terry Hills as Buffalo’s Favorite Golf Course: Public Division winner.

Looking back, we saw quite a decline in participation, from round two to round three (the finals.) Simple numbers tell part of the story: the greater the number of courses, the more likely that the social media engines kick into gear. Of our six finalists, in anonymous fashion, we can state that two of them utilized high-powered, social media engines to encourage voter participation. One of the six does not utilize social media in the slightest, while the other three do use it, but did not use it as efficiently as the aforementioned two.

There is no end game for BuffaloGolfer in these polls, other than to keep our viewers entertained, and thoughts of warm weather and golf on the frontal lobe. Stay tuned for more polls in February, March, and beyond. Alert your friends and don’t be shy about suggesting poll topics. Our viewers are the eyes and ears of BuffaloGolfer.Com.

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