by Mo'Golf | Nov 5, 2017 | Mo' Golf
A two-week delay, thanks to weather, did nothing beyond delay the golfers of the Monsignor Martin high school athletic association. Originally scheduled for October 9th, a 10-hour downpour forced a 2-week postponement. On October 23rd, the Tan Tara golf club was...
by Mo'Golf | Nov 3, 2017 | Mo' Golf
OnCore made news in 2017 with the release of Elixr, its ball for expert players. In its brief existence, the Buffalo company has sat still for zero minutes, always pushing the limits of its R&D, its marketing, and its product. In addition to clothing and golf...
by Mo'Golf | Oct 28, 2017 | Mo' Golf
Jacob Roach is the third TFTWNY honoree to show sincere generosity in taking the time to answer our questions. Jacob high-profiled his way to Pebble Beach this year, where he participated in the Pro-Am portion of the PURE Insurance Championship, on the PGA Tour...
by Mo'Golf | Oct 10, 2017 | Mo' Golf
A day after Monsoon October washed out the All-Catholic Championship, forcing a 2-week postponement, the sun returned to western New York and the Erie County Interscholastic Conference completed its ECIC boys golf individual conference championship at Sheridan Park...
by Mo'Golf | Oct 9, 2017 | Mo' Golf
Wanakah country club has origins as a club with a sporty golf course. Originally developed as a summer club for those Buffalo magnates with getaways along the Lake Erie shore, the club has taken steps to return a bit of the club to the playing characteristics of the...
by Mo'Golf | Oct 7, 2017 | Mo' Golf
The All-Catholic championships (team and individual) of the Monsignor Martin High School Athletic Association will be played on Monday, October 9th at Tan Tara golf club in North Tonawanda. A day later, the best of the Erie County Interscholastic Conference will tee...