Postseason Round #3: Sheridan Park golf course

Postseason Round #3: Sheridan Park golf course

Wind and leaves. Half of a Haiku verse.  I have no more. That’s what confronted us on the first tee, Sunday morning the 13th, at the ever-challenging Sheridan Park golf course in Tonawanda. We ended up at Sheridan due to a series of fortunate events. I...
SCNS Golf Energy Bars product review

SCNS Golf Energy Bars product review

It’s not certain how I stumbled onto the First Tee and Tenth Tee energy bars from SCNS. It might have been the Tweet, a golf television commercial or some other source. What’s assured is that the box of diverse selections arrived and I packed my bag with...
Postseason Round Number Two: Elma Meadows

Postseason Round Number Two: Elma Meadows

How sweet are the postseason rounds of golf! They get even better when you peel off layers of outerwear, as Old Sol peeks out and sends warming rays down to earth. I had all those moments and experiences this weekend at Elma Meadows in Elma, NY. The Scrambler and I...
First Round of the Postseason @ Delaware Park

First Round of the Postseason @ Delaware Park

Were you one of those golfers on Tuesday afternoon at Delaware Park Meadows? Man, was that place packed! I strolled out around 3:45, expecting to find the place empty. I played the first hole (I may have just missed an ace, hard to tell) and came up to the second tee...

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