Aiming Accuracy

Tom Tucker is a World Golf Teachers and United States Golf Teacher Federation-certified golf instructor. He may be contacted via his website or at the Plum Creek driving range in Batavia, NY. For the sake of simplicity, all advice on swings and drills is provided from...

Greenside Chipping

Tom Tucker is a World Golf Teachers and United States Golf Teacher Federation-certified golf instructor. He may be contacted via his website or at the Plum Creek driving range in Batavia, NY. For the sake of simplicity, all advice on swings and drills is provided from...

Tiger’s Swing

Tom Tucker is a World Golf Teachers and United States Golf Teacher Federation-certified golf instructor. He may be contacted via his website or at the Plum Creek driving range in Batavia, NY. For the sake of simplicity, all advice on swings and drills is provided from...

Get Serious About Improvement

Tom Tucker is a World Golf Teachers and United States Golf Teacher Federation-certified golf instructor. He may be contacted via his website or at the Plum Creek driving range in Batavia, NY. For the sake of simplicity, all advice on swings and drills is provided from...

Upper Torso Angle of Inclination

Tom Tucker is a World Golf Teachers and United States Golf Teacher Federation-certified golf instructor. He may be contacted via his website or at the Plum Creek driving range in Batavia, NY. This information pertains to upper torso angle of inclination viewed from a...

Q&A Strength and Golf

Q: from Jeff M.: Does your personal strength relate to how far you hit the ball? A: Thanks for the question Jeff. At first blush the answer to this question seems obvious, but as they say “it ain’t necessarily so!” First of all, you can play golf at...

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