When a product has been around (and successful) for a quarter century, a writer might catch a bit of grief for taking a look at it. However, if said writer is able to remind long-time users of said product that a) not everyone uses it; b) everyone should; and c) there is always a different angle to a time-honored product, then the grief might subside. That, dearest readers, is what I hope to communicate with this review of the ultra-uber-successful FootJoy StaSof golf glove.

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Two paths lead from the woods. The first says that golf gloves will wear out, so why bother paying for the higher-end ones? Fair enough for the budget-conscious golfer (that would be me) but what does the other type offer? The second path says that premium golf gloves should last longer than inexpensive ones, should feel softer than inexpensive ones, should fit better than inexpensive ones, and should grip better than … you guessed it, inexpensive ones. For these four advantages, the competitive and/or wealthier golfer ponies up more money for a better glove. Even though he gets his gloves for free, Adam Scott could play any glove he chooses, and he opts for StaSof. I figure that his ideas are worth a listen.


Thank you, Adam. You’ve won a few on tour of late, so your word is valid. As for me, I had the opportunity to play a series of golf rounds in January/February of this year. I played two rounds near Charlotte, two more near Pinehurst, two in Charleston, one in Myrtle Beach and two in Tampa. Over the course of those nine rounds, I pulled on a StaSof glove nine times, and pulled it off nine more. Since I putt with glove on, my hand garb doesn’t undergo the rigors of the On-Off rhythm utilized by those who putt with naked hands.

My payoff from the nine-round tour was an affinity for this particular golf glove. It showed no signs of wear, offered no slippage during any swing, and encouraged me to keep playing it throughout the northern season. I have three StaSof gloves that I’ll rotate throughout the season, so my true understanding of their worth will be delayed a few months. However, I can firmly state that a premier glove is something worth your consideration. If you are a bargain hunter, look for coupons or sales from the major sporting goods stores, or see what you can find online. Even if you don’t stay with the premium glove (for whatever reason) you’ll at least have had an opportunity to prove why to yourself. As for me, I’ll stick with it through August of this year, then report back.

StaSof Gloves

FootJoy Glove Fitting Guide

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