Were you one of those golfers on Tuesday afternoon at Delaware Park Meadows? Man, was that place packed! I strolled out around 3:45, expecting to find the place empty. I played the first hole (I may have just missed an ace, hard to tell) and came up to the second tee to find … golfers. Down the fairway I glanced…more golfers. Coming up nine and down ten…even more golfers!


The course was officially closed, but try telling that to the dozens of locals striking shots and lugging clubs. Who knows, it might have been customer appreciation day. Since the flags were still flying, I was still trying. I was on a mission, besides. A new cart bag and push cart arrived for testing, and I needed a warm, dry day for optimal conditions. The bag has no shoulder strap, so when they say cart bag, they mean cart bag! I like the bag a lot. It has a bunch of pockets, individual slots for the clubs, and a nice appearance.


Two elements surprised me: first, I had to flip my clubs with head covers to the bottom slots, which is counter-intuitive. I had yet to do it in the photo above, and the head covers kept obscuring the irons. I will try the metals along one of the two sides next, as I wasn’t completely lit by the new arrangement. Next, and this is a real deal breaker, the cart tipped over on a couple occasions. I’ve never had that happen with any push cart before. I had one break in the shaft area, but never tip over! If you make golf carts, especially ones that are supposed to work in conjunction with a specific bag, that stability point is task number one. Again, I’ll have it back out on the course soon, and will report back.


Do you know this tree? It’s the one that sits on fairway’s edge at the bend of the 9th hole at Delaware Park. It is enormous. I call it the oldest tree in Buffalo and who knows if I’m correct or not. The trees at Delaware Park are fabulous, unlike any other course in the area. They are spread out enough that they don’t impact your game that much. If stuck behind one, you invariably have space to maneuver your ball from the left or the right. Anyway, no complaints, as you put the sphere over there.

This is the time of year when I brag about stolen rounds of golf. According to the National Weather Service, we won’t have many of them in western New York this year. If that’s the case, all the more reason to continue pounding the fairways until the snow flies.

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