Tom’s Featured Tip:
Play Better by Feeling Better
For the sake of simplicity, all advice on swings and drills is provided from a right handed perspective; lefties …. well, you know what to do!
I am a big fan of mental tips from recognized experts like Michael Anthony. I saw this in one of his books and had to pass it along, enjoy.
There are two approaches to improve your mental game. The direct approach is to become totally positive, completely focused on the process and play in the present on instinct without thinking. However, this is easier said than done. The indirect approach is to work at gradually eliminating all of the negative emotions that are on your tape until you are ready to move up to the direct approach. Both approaches improve your chemistry and improve your performance.
Most golfers relate easier to the indirect path because they can readily see the direct correlation between their negative emotions and poor performance. Since your tape does a great job of having you repeat your past negative thoughts and actions, it is obvious what you have to change to improve. Why not work on both approaches at the same time?
Start by becoming aware of how easy it is to improve your performance by improving your attitude. Make sure that your glass is always half full, instead of half empty. Notice the correlations between how your performance improves when you feel good.
The medical profession is very aware that placebos work. They work because if they make you feel better and you believe they will help you, your chemistry increases and improves your body’s ability to heal itself. The placebo effect works for golf as well.
How many times have you seen a golfer blame his or her putting woes on their putter. Isn’t it amazing how sometimes using a new or different putter can miraculously cause a golfer to start sinking almost every putt he or she tries? When you buy a new set of golf clubs, do you find that you play better initially and then your game starts to fall off?
Better clubs will help you play better because of improved technology. Plus, new clubs will help you play better by making you feel better until the newness wears off.
Since most of us can’t afford to keep buying new clubs to feel better, why not simply decide to change your attitude and keep your glass half full. If you do, you will feel better and play better.
Love your practice, enjoy your golf, own your swing,
Tom’s Bonus Tip:
Try This Great Training Aid
For the sake of simplicity, all advice on swings and drills is provided from a right handed perspective; lefties …. well, you know what to do!
A few weeks ago I started tested a training a called the Tour Striker Smart Ball, and frankly I can’t say enough about it. It works better and is easier to use than anything else I’ve ever used to get students to feel a good connection during their swing.
One of the bigest problems that I encounter as a golf teacher is students losing their connection during their swing. This means that their elbows start getting too far apart from each other, they “chicken wing” away from the body, and a good swing goes out the window.
In the past I’ve tried a few things, towels under the armpits, Impact Balls that are too heavy and fall out of your arms – and you end up chasing them all around the range, etc., etc.,. Then Martin Chuck came up with the idea of attaching an inflatable ball to a lanyard and all the problems were solved.
Here’s a brief youtube video of how it’s used: Tour Striker Smart Ball
I loved this tool so much that I became an affiliate to promote it. You can buy one through Tom’s affiliate link for the Tour Striker Smart Ball, and yes, he does make a couple of bucks if you buy through him, so thanks in advance if you get one!
Love your practice, enjoy your golf, own your swing,