“Snow begins as a rumor in Buffalo.” Thus begins The Last Fine Time by Verlyn Klinkenborg, the one, true novel about western New York. Twitter is where rumors reside these days. The great rumor last week dealt with a major golfing figure’s injury, forcing him off the tour for an unknown period of time.

It went something like this:

“Went to a hand specialist in Long Beach, Dr Ross Nathan, filled out the paperwork gave ins. info. Waited an hour.”

“Bone Spur in my left wrist!! Most likely causing most of the pain and swelling in my left hand”

“To all of you out there in twitter world, thanks for the kind words and support.I don’t have the most followers, but I think I have the best”

“Surgery went well. The Doctor didn’t find any problems but the Bone spur.”

“At best it’s 6-8 weeks before I will touch a club. Will no more when I go back to the DR next week”

With luck, Paul Goydos will be back on the first tee soon, offering his particular wit and perspective to his galleries.

Oh, another guy had to withdraw at Doral. He tweeted

“Got good news from doc tonight. Only mild strain of left Achilles. Can resume hitting balls late in week and hopeful for next week.”

See you soon, Tiger.

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