Billy Hanes is a familiar name in western New York’s golf tournament circuit. He grew up in the southtowns and had a successful run of competitive golf in the 2000s. This led to four years at the University of Richmond, before he returned to western New York, to work in the family business. Hanes’ affinity for golf never waned, and he continued to compete in regional and statewide amateur competitions. In 2022, 22 years after he won his first NYSGA (New York State Golf Association) individual title, Billy Hanes returned to the winner’s podium with a triumph at the Mid-Amateur championship. In this first of two interview, Billy Hanes offers a sense of who he is, and how he got there.

1. Tell us who you are and what you do in your professional life.

Part Owner of Hanes Supply Inc. Family owned business which is a distributor & manufacturer of industrial and contractor equipment.

2. How did you get started in golf, and what kept you going in it?

My Dad took me to Elma Meadows when I was 2 years old. I always loved golf but also enjoyed many other sports growing up. Was fortunate enough to have my father join East Aurora Country Club when I was 12. Started playing there and eventually did well in the Junior Masters a couple times as a semifinalist. This made me want to play more and pursue a college scholarship in the game.

3. You won a NYSGA U14 title in 2000. What was it like, winning a state-wide championship so young?

Was incredible, I won at Wellsville country club. Made me realize that I should focus on only golf when it came to sports.

4. Talk a bit about high school and college golf, and what playing those meant to you.

Played high school golf at St. Francis and college at the University of Richmond. Made many great friends along the way and a good education.

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Photo Credit: Dan Thompson / NYSGA

5. You’ve been at this amateur tournament circuit for a while. What keeps you going?

The competition and love of the game. Also all of the friends / business contacts that I’ve continued to develop over the years. Golf is great because unlike nearly all college athletes you can continue your amateur competitive career the rest of your life. Also golf gives you the ability to even compete at the highest level of the game. For example the winner of the U.S. Mid-Amateur gets invited to the Masters / U.S. Open the following year. The winner of the best amateur event in Baseball / Basketball / Tennis does not get invited to the World Series / NBA Finals / Wimbledon


6. You were quoted in The Buffalo News as not being a great rain player. Why do you think that is, and what might you do to improve?

Many players are able to play great with rain gloves. It might be because of my grip but I struggle keeping the right pressure on the club and end up slipping. Fortunately in the final round of this year’s State Mid-Amateur I was able to keep my hands dry with a bunch of towels / umbrella.


7. Share a tip for our readers, on some swing or strategy thought you use to keep the momentum going.

Paint the picture. The bigger the moment gets and the more nervous you are the more important it is to picture the golf shot. In my experience if you are thinking at all about your swing it’s over. Having a trigger is one thing but I believe just picturing the shot even during the swing is vital.


8. What is the strongest part of your game, and why do you think that is?

My driver. Playing at Crag Burn you have to keep it in play that course. I have a pretty open club face but can still carry it 290-300. The open clubface allows me to hit a controlled pull cut that really works under pressure.


9. What question haven’t we asked, that we should have? Ask it and answer it, please. Thank you for your time.

What other achievements have you had in the game of golf?

4-Time New York State Golf Association Champion, 4 Time BDGA player of the year, 2022 Erie County Amateur Champion, 2022 BDGA Match Play Champion, 6 time Crag Burn Club Champion, 5 time East Aurora Country Club Champion

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