Lexi Thompson 16 tee (Small)

Q.  What happened out there this afternoon?

LEXI THOMPSON:  Yeah, it was just an overall struggle the whole day.  Didn’t really get anything going, struggled a bit with my irons again and didn’t start off putting well.  But you know, today is another today.  So going into it with a positive attitude.

Q.  Can you take us through one and kind of what happened there with that putt?

LEXI THOMPSON:  I just ?? I missed a 3?footer for par.

Q.  Did it rally throughout or just got it out of your head after that?

LEXI THOMPSON:  No.  I mean I got over it as quick as I could.  You’re going to miss putts.  That’s golf.

Lexi Thompson 4 green (Small)

Q.  Is it encouraging at all to know that no one else has really made a lot of ground today.  Everyone just kind of stayed where they were yesterday?

LEXI THOMPSON:  Yeah, it definitely does.  I needed to shoot a few under today to be in good position for tomorrow.  Unfortunately I’m six back now.

But you know, I’m just going to try to shoot as low as I can tomorrow.  I’ve got nothing to lose, so we’ll see how it goes.

Q.  Knowing you can hit it further than most, do you feel like you still have a good shot at this?

LEXI THOMPSON:  Yeah, I mean I’m six back, but that’s nothing with golf.  You never know what can happen.  But I’m just going to go out there tomorrow with a positive attitude and try to do my best and try to shoot a low one like I did Thursday.

Lexi Thompson 4 green 2 done (Small)

Thanks to the LPGA Tour and ASAP Sports for the text, and Alex Fisher of Alex Fisher Photo for the photographs

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