Niagara County Lions Clubs have once again come together to organize and facilitate our 3rd annual golf event focused around our local leaders of tomorrow. Your participation or interest in the 2014 Junior Golf Tournament helped to make this possible. The feedback we continue to receive from the previous two years from not only you, but your parents and other guests continues to be extremely positive.
Niagara County Lions is excited to announce our 3rd Annual Junior Golf Tournament to be held on Tuesday, July 14th at Willowbrook Golf Course, 4200 Lake Avenue, Lockport NY 14094.
The format will remain the same – boys and girls divisions, ages 9 – 11, 12 – 14, and 15 – 17, with the junior golfers in age group 9 – 11 playing 9 holes while the older age groups will play 18 holes of golf. The cost for each golfer will remain at $10, which includes greens fees, prizes, food and refreshments. We are able to keep this cost at a minimum because of the support of all the Niagara County Lions Clubs, local businesses and general donations we receive from the community who want support this event, and especially, Willowbrook Golf Course and Jim Furlong, PGA Professional, who all share the same goal of youth development in our area. Click here for complete letter and registration form.