The favorites? Easier than looking out the window and forecasting the weather. Everyone in attendance knew, just knew, that Patrick Rodgers would make two eagles on the inward nine and outlast the field in a playoff to win the 2011 Porter Cup, right? I have a sense of who the movers and shakers might be, so I’ll toss out a few names. There is one surprise, but I can’t mention him just yet. Fingers crossed, though.

Obvious Faves
These would be guys like Justin Thomas, NCAA Division 1 player of the year, or Patrick Rodgers, defending champ and participant this week in the PGA Tour’s John Deere Classic.

Understudies To The Obvious Faves
Justin Shin, Donald Constable, Matt NeSmith, Ben Kohles-guys who have won major amateur tournaments this year or in past years, like the Northeast, the Dogwood or the Azalea.

Local Favorite
Believe it or don’t, it’s the guy who was invited two weeks ago. James Blackwell is a birdie machine who, at 17 or 18 years of age, has no idea that golf is difficult.

Waiting To Break Out
Scott Harvey, Curtis Thompson, Andrew Yun, Tommy McDonagh. These guys have all won major regional events and are poised to break out in 2012. In Yun’s case, he played twice in the Palmer Cup, but somehow still flies under the radar.

The Mystery Guy
All I can say is, he is a threat to win any event he plays, if he plays. As soon as I hear, you’ll hear. Steve, any updates?

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