This tip will help you enormously in pressure golf situations.
For decades, military personnel in high pressure situations – like Marine snipers -have been using tactical breathing to steady their nerves before taking the shot.
As this relates to golf, you are giving your mind something to focus on that not only
reduces the load on the body but it has a positive chain reaction to the body which is
in charge of executing the technical skills required for the game.
Here’s a really easy method to use the next time you feel yourself in a pressure shot situation.
While going through your pre-shot routine:
1) take at least three deep breaths
2) Inhale deeply through your nose – each inhale should take 5 seconds
3) Exhale slowly through your mouth – each exhale should take 7 seconds
Try to time events so that you are ready to hit your shot ASAP after the last exhalation.
This works for all shots, including putts.
Try it, you’ll love the results.