The goofy golf season is upon us, both on television and in person in western New York. Will it snow? Can we still play? How many layers will we need? Many are the times I put Tommy Gainey to shame, becoming Four-Gloves Mo’ during the winter golfing months. I’m equipped for 2012-2013, so stay open, courses!

More importantly, this is the time of year that we look at our newsletter and our site and ask ourselves two questions: what should we include in the weekly newsletter and which topics should our feature stories address?

As you know, faithful reader, we’ve run interviews with golf course architects and touring pros, reviewed public and private courses, evaluated equipment and apparel, and examined our own successes and failures on the course, in tournaments, etc. What topics do you wish to visit in 2013? Give us an idea and we’ll come through.

What about the weekly newsletter? Does it need a new title? A new look? A new focus? We’re counting on you to see us through. Send us your thoughts in comment form and spaces, then sit back and watch us work!

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