Tom’s Bonus Tip –  Pre-Round Putting Practice
To get a feel for lag putting before you play a round, take one ball on the practice green and putt to seven different length holes, and putt until you hole out.

To establish confidence before your round, make ten in a row from 3 ft with a firm, “straight back and straight through” stroke. This type of practice also helps your lag putting for the day because it makes you unafraid to get the ball to the hole.

Do each of these things before your round and you will shave strokes, guaranteed.

Enjoy your golf,


Tom’s Bonus Tip – Swingpath Drill

This is a great drill for developing an inside to outside swing path, as well as for developing more dynamic core power.

It can also help you cure a slice and develop a draw.

I teach my students to have a mental image of swinging from inside to down the target line.  Attack from the inside then swing through at the target.

This thought process actually produces either a slight inside to outside swing path or an inside to at the target swing path, which both work with my way of teaching.

Here’s an easy drill I developed to help you get that feeling into your brain.

Simply get into golf posture holding a 4 lb exercise ball, and imagine that your target is a golf hole with a flag in it ten yards away. Then execute a golf swing and release the ball so that it flies just right of your target.   This motion will groove an acceptable swingpath for your baseline swing if you like hitting a draw.

You can do this drill alone by tossing the ball into the side of a building, or even better – with like minded partner who will get the same benefit on the return throw.

You could substitute an impact bag for a medicine ball, use a volleyball, or even a smaller ball of some sort, but a small weighted medicine type ball will also give your core muscles some dynamic exercise.

About twenty reps per session will be sufficient, two or three times per week.

Try this and watch your ball curvature change, especially if you’ve been slicing the ball.

You may even lose a little waistline, which is not a bad thing for most of us 🙂

Enjoy your golf,



Tom’s Bonus Tip – Your “Go To” Swing

Everyone needs a “Go To” swing that they can repeat with each club in their bag. This is fundamental to good scoring because this swing produces a shot for each club that:

1) carries a consistent distance

2) flies with a consistent trajectory

3) and has a consistent curvature

If 1, 2, and 3, are not all present in your own “Go To” swing, guess what – you don’t have one.

Keep practicing, a “Go To” swing is perhaps the most important component of your game for low scoring, so don’t quit, keep working on it!

Enjoy your golf,


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