Tom’s Featured Tip:
Own Your Putting Stroke(s)
For the sake of simplicity, all advice on swings and drills is provided from a right handed perspective; lefties …. well, you know what to do!
Almost daily, I read articles either praising or condemning a square to square putting stroke or an arc to square putting stroke. I don’t think anyone uses an arc to square to arc stroke, but it wouldn’t surprise me to see an article on it.
Dave Pelz, a recognized putting guru, swears by the square to square stroke, which he calls a P.I.L.S. stroke – Pure In Line Putting Stroke. He claims that it is by far the most reliable putting stroke. I for one buy into that – with one reservation which I’ll talk about later.
Geoff Mangum, another recognized putting guru, stands behind the arc to square stroke.
There are benefits and problems with each stroke. For many, especially on long putts, it’s difficult to execute a square to square stroke without manipulating your hands. Others feel that with an arc to square stroke, you run the risk of over-rotating the putterhead at impact, closing the face, and losing your line and your distance control.
I think the arc to square stroke feels more natural than the square to square stroke, but I also feel that the square to square produces better results.
When I coached a very successful GCC Golf Team, I learned that it was unproductive to try and make players that have a naturally arcing stroke change to a square to square stroke – for their long putts that is. It was however, very productive to insist on square to square for putts in the 6 foot and closer range.
In fact it was off the charts productive for those players that had been consciously trying to “arc stroke” their short putts. They started holing everything after they adapted.
That got me thinking along the lines of “why do players think they need to use only one putting style?” We fine tune our iron shots to hit them high, low, or to curve them. Why can’t the same thought process apply to putting: use two different stroke styles for different distances.
Since I am very focused on results for my students on the putting green, I developed a hybrid philosophy and system for putting that’s really pretty simple: use two different stroke styles to go for feel on lag putts, and to go for cold blooded results on short putts – even if it feels a little mechanical at first. (I’m overstating the mechanical aspect, because if you practice enough it won’t feel mechanical for too long)
If you are looking for better results on the putting green, here’s how you can improve by adapting two different stroke styles into your putting:
For lag putts, do not obsess about keeping your stroke square to square. Use your natural comfortable setup with whatever stroke path you have naturally, but recite “straight back – straight through” to yourself as you stroke your putt. It won’t alter your natural arc to square path, but it will help you keep the face oriented correctly at impact.
For your short makeable putts, crouch down a bit, set up with much more bend at the waist, choke well down on the shaft, and do concentrate on a square to square stroke as you recite “straight back – straight through” as you stroke your putt – even if it means manipulating your hands a bit to get it done. It’s the money stroke for short putts – period.
Note that the more you bend from the waist, the easier it will be to execute the square to square stroke path; the taller you stand the more difficult it gets. Try to get your eyes over – but not beyond – the ball for either style.
I think you’ll also find that your outer limit range for “short makeable putts” will start extending a bit, but stay with a comfortable stroke for your lag putts. I’ve observed that it can be difficult to lag long putts with the crouched and bent setup that is required fo execute a pure square to square stroke.
I have so much belief in this putting stroke philosophy and method (I’ve been teaching it exclusively for about four years), that I’ll give you the seldom bestowed TCT Guarantee that if you putt this way you’ll lower your handicap.
Love your practice, enjoy your golf, own your swing,
Tom’s Bonus Tip:
Indoor Lessons
For the sake of simplicity, all advice on swings and drills is provided from a right handed perspective; lefties …. well, you know what to do!
My outdoor lesson season is done until next spring, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t improve any and all aspects of your swing – including putting – between now and then. You can keep moving forward with indoor lessons.
Last winter was my first year conducting indoor lessons at Plum Creek with the AboutGolf Simulator, the same one you see on the Golf Channel. I felt that it was a resounding success, my students loved it and so did I.
My students that made the most gains over the last couple of years kept their swings tuned up with indoor lessons over the winter, and I had quite a few new students and couples lessons also.
The pricing and packages are the same as for an outdoor lesson, and we never have to worry about Mother Nature. So if you want to keep working on your swing, or if you simply want to start to make improvements, why not give indoor lessons a try.
Love your practice, enjoy your golf, own your swing,
Loved the article, thank you and also to Mo’Golf for posting this here. I’m busy working on my putting stroke and am thinking through the reasons why I choose to do what I do with my stroke over these cold winter months.
I’ve read a lot lately about putter path and face angle. Most of what I see out there is focused on face angle as being more important that path, although path and face angle are not mutually exclusive. On these shorter putts inside 6ft, I think but can’t prove scientifically that path is more important than face angle as there is much more margin for error for face angle at short distances. What are your thought’s on this?
In regards a non-putting golf swing, I understand that face angle is a major determinant to ball flight (D Plane) but with putting, I’m not so sure the same rules apply to putting due to the drastically slower putter head speed (vs club head speed wedges on up). I don’t know if I’m saying this correctly but hopefully you can help me here – thanks.
Hi Nate, thanks for your comments.
On face angle vs, path for putting, face angle trumps path all the way. When I give a putting lesson I prove this by making a putt with an obnoxiously outside to inside swing path, but with a face that is square to my target line. The ball will go straight along the target line as long as the putter face is square to the target line at impact, although it is hard to get lag speed correct due to the glancing blow.
In regards to a non-putting golf swing and the relationship of the face angle to swing path, the ball starts in the direction that the face is pointing about 90% of the time, but where it ends up will be determined by the curvature, which is determined by the relationship of the face angle to the path at impact.
I should add that with putting, there obviously will be no curvature factor due to the slower putter head speed as you mentioned, which is why it so critically important that your face be aligned with your target line.
I hope this helps,
Tom Tucker
Teaching Pro, Plum Creek Driving Range & Practice Facility
WGTF “Top 100 Golf Teacher”
USGTF Class “A” Teaching Professional
Cell: (716) 474-3005
Practice Breeds Success
Thank you for your reply. Alright, I’ll knock it off with my conspiracy putting theory on path. I have been messing around with a putting device that calculates face angle at impact relative to face angle at address. I’ve hit many putts that holed out and the device was saying for example 3* open. I’d like to compare the data from the device to SAM the next time I visit my local SAM setup. Thanks again.
Hi again Nate, putting with a face that’s 3 degrees open and holing the putt doesn’t make sense to me.
You must be compensating somewhere along the line since your ball is apparently traveling along the correct aimline with an open face – or the device you are using may be off.
I’d like to hear the results of your comparison of your device with the readings you get at the SAM lab.
Tom Tucker
Teaching Pro, Plum Creek Driving Range & Practice Facility
WGTF “Top 100 Golf Teacher”
USGTF Class “A” Teaching Professional
Cell: (716) 474-3005
Practice Breeds Success