Tom’s Bonus Tip: 6 Putting Tips

For the sake of simplicity, all advice on swings and drills is provided from a right handed perspective; lefties …. well, you know what to do!

Here are a 6 short but sweet putting tips to work into your game.
Adopt a firm, comfortable stance that allows your stroke to start your putts on your aimline every time.

Once your wrists are set, freeze them. I teach a setup that includes a flat left wrist, because most untrained players actually have a tiny left wrist flip at impact in their putting stroke. This will make your distance control very erratic on long putts. If you prefer to set up with a cupped left wrist, make sure it stays firm through the stroke – but I’m going on record saying that the flat left wrist is better for the average golfer.

Keep your head absolutely still from the start through the finish of your stroke.

Power the stroke with your shoulders only, a pendulum motion is best.

For lag putts, utilize your natural stroke, whether it’s arcing or straight back and straight through.

For very short putts, utilize a straight back and straight through stroke, no exceptions. Crouch a little more over the ball, grip lower on the putter, straight back and straight through stroke, and listen for the ball to drop – don’t watch it drop.
Love your practice, enjoy your golf,


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