Tom’s Bonus Tip: Anger Management

For the sake of simplicity, all advice on swings and drills is provided from a right handed perspective; lefties …. well, you know what to do!

OK – you’ve chunked a chip, missed a short putt, or drove it into the water.

It happens to all of us at one time or another, and what happens immediately after an event like this can make or break your chances to come back from a mini disaster on the course.

Here’s a process for handling this situation that has worked very well for me personally, as well as for players that I’ve coached and taught.
Ten seconds or ten paces. You are allowed to be upset for ten seconds or ten paces after your mistake. This does not give you carte blanche to act out demonstrably, just inwardly. No club throwing, foot stomping, temper tantrums, or “F” bombs (at least not out load).

After your ten seconds or ten paces, remember this: you are indeed privileged to be playing golf right here and right now, don’t let one bad swing diminish that privilege. Heck, there plenty of people around the world that will never be able to afford a set of clubs in their lifetime. Be grateful for the opportunity to make the mistake, it’s really a privilege.

Regroup mentally and go forward with a smile on your face, and the mindset that you are going to execute good swings the rest of the day.

Forget about the bad swing.  I know this is easier said than done, I have had lapses myself – but like everything else in golf, if you work at it you will improve.
Love your practice, enjoy your golf,


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