About a year ago, we were in the midst of the vote for Best 18 in Buffalo-Niagara. The vote was open to the public and, thanks to WordPress, you could only vote once from each IP address. We encouraged courses and clubs to pimp their rides and promote their courses. The first explosion was the upset win of the 6th at Seneca Hickory Stick over the same hole at Country Club of Buffalo. The par three at CCB is iconic and easily one of the best 18 in B-N, yet it didn’t win. The second eruption took place on the 15th hole, when Byrncliff Resort demonstrated the power of its mail list by tallying a record 769 votes to defeat…oh, irony! Seneca Hickory Stick. If you want to read the entire list, click here.

For 2013, however, we’re going to take a different tack. No votes, just lists. Whether your name is John Smith, Leon Smith, John Leon or Jane Doe, it doesn’t matter. Post your list on our Facebook page and we’ll transfer it over here, in a place/post of honor, all its own. For the record, Buffalo-Niagara stretches from Youngstown to the Pennsylvania border, east to Batavia and southeast to Olean. The only rule is, your #1 hole must be the #1 hole on some course, #2 must be a #2 and so forth. Start your rankings now!

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