The Mouth That Roars and Mo’ Golf, shockingly, differ on the validity, even the legality, of the belly putter. Mo’ is all in on the longer shaft while The Mouth says no, No, NO. Read on to find out what each has to say on the topic.

Mo’ Golf…

It’s the 2012 PGA Merchandise Show week in Orlando, so what better time to sing the praises of the most important new club in my bag, the putter! Specifically, the belly putter. I had my favorite club guy, John Lindner, extend the shaft of my Two-Ball after a horrendous Fall. Since I write a good bit about golf, I got into the belly thing thinking it would be worth a few good articles. The first two rounds out, The Scrambler kept asking “you sure?” as my putting continued to inhale.

Nevertheless, I stuck with it. In what I thought was my final round of 2011, at Byrncliff, I made four birdies, including a two-putt from 45 yards off the 18th green (having fun, I went Scottish on the joint). A few weeks later, during our infamous snow round, I shot 40 for 9 holes and made all the putts I needed.

John Lindner revealed to me that many putters utilize the belly putter to stabilize their traditional stroke. I’ve done the same, using a 32-inch hickory putter at home and the belly putter on the course. Honestly, it doesn’t help my nerves one bit; I still get nervous when I putt. Nervous and confident, however, is a heck of a combination. I’m told that great players feel precisely that way when preparing for a tournament round.

Do I think the belly putter is cheating? No, I do not. I didn’t feel it was when I wasn’t using it and I still don’t feel it is now. One could still yip putts with the BP, one could overstroke or understroke with it as well. Here’s a secret…why do people who switch to the BP putt better? They feel the need to practice with it, precisely what they SHOULD have done with their other putter.

So remember, no matter what The Mouth tells you, I’m preaching the word of the belly putter!

The Mouth That Roars…

There are things a man should never do – curtsy, wear a scarf and if you ask me – using a belly putter on the golf course falls on that list.

I apologize in advance to the belly putter users – but it’s just not how the game was meant to be played. You’re supposed to feel the putter in your hands – not in your abdomen. You’re supposed to accept 18 three putts with the short flat stick before you take the slightly easier road…

I thought Adam Scott looked foolish last season. I cringed when Phil Mickelson gave it a try for a quick bit. I just plain don’t like it – I don’t think they should be allowed on Tour.

I also hope I never have the required “belly” to use the putter. I’m a health and fitness nut – I’m not a big fan of anything that prides itself on the use of a soft core.

I still remember the first time my father took me to a golf course. It was a nine-hole track about 20 minutes from our house. He pulled out the different clubs and went through stance and grip, etc. When we arrived to the green, he pulled out the putter, held it in his hands and said, “this is how you putt son.” He never mentioned anything about steadying it against a belly.

I’m sorry Mo. I know you’ll continue to kick the tar out of me on the golf course this season – but I can’t endorse the decision to belly up with the putter.


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