Earlier this week Rico mused about the year that was in golf, it’s inspired me to muse about the year ahead…

~ After Tiger Woods won the Chevron World Challenge in early December, giving him his first win since the fire hydrant, my first thought was, “I’ve got to write a column…” Then, I sat down to write the column and couldn’t find the story. Is Woods really back? There are great players in the Chevron event but it’s a limited field and he’s the host. Is Woods redeemed? He’s the only one that can know that. Is he going to win a major in 2012? I have absolutely no idea.

I wish dearly that Woods’ life hadn’t crumbled the way it did two years ago, but you cant’ deny it’s created new intrigue. There is absolutely no telling what is going to happen to him from here on out. The rest of his career, like my column that day, is a total blank sheet of paper. Maybe it was fitting that I couldn’t find the story to tell – it has yet to be written.

~ Adam Scott isn’t going to win a major championship this year or the year after. Or, for his career — you heard it here.

~ Sergio Garcia will finally break through in 2012. Even if you tired of some of his antics, feel good for the guy when it happens.

~ Fitness is going to continue to emerge as being vital in this sport. Holes are getting longer and longer each year and rough is getting thicker. There’s a reason you don’t see many overweight guys on tour anymore – fitness matters like never before. Here’s hoping the pros are doing their situps their offseason.

~ The 2012 Ryder Cup is going to be awesome. It heads to Medinah Country Club, the site of the 2006 PGA Championship I worked. I remember hearing about hole changes and ideas they had back then – I’m sincerely hoping to get back out there this year and see how the course has changed. Plus, I’ve never been to a Ryder Cup.

~ The 2012 Porter Cup will not be as great as the 2011 Porter Cup, but will still be an awesome event. I’ll keep my fingers crossed, but I just can’t imagine anything as spectacular as watching Patrick Rodgers erase a six-shot lead on the back 9. Coolest thing I’ve ever seen on a golf course in person.

~ I will write more. The last few months have seen fewer posts from me, but I will return with passion in 2012. Maybe I’ll even finish that top major performances of the past four years series…

Happy Holidays. On to the New Year…

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