It’s entirely possible that Steve Williams never knew of Tiger Woods’ philandering ways earlier in his career. It’s plausible that Williams got more than a raw deal from Woods. Maybe Tiger did Steve the courtesy of sitting down and telling him it was over… maybe he didn’t. I’m more than willing to accept that Woods isn’t the greatest human being walking the planet and that Williams has every right to be mad.

Still, none of that adds up to the words that Williams chose to speak earlier this week. According to multiple reports, Williams told people that “my aim was to shove it right up that black …….”

In those ignorant words, Williams brings race into a storyline that doesn’t need it. He continues to keep the tale of his divorce with Tiger in the press. It’s beyond stupid.

Let’s remember that Williams is a millionaire because Woods’ let him carry his bag during golf tournaments – not a bad gig or a bad seat to the greatest show golf has ever seen. You’d think there’d be a twinge of appreciation.

Let’s also remember that Williams now carries the bag for Adam Scott, an emerging star on tour who is always in contention. Scott must feel like an unlucky lover, the guy he picked can’t stop talking about his former flame…

We don’t know many facts in how the Woods/Williams relationship ended. But we do know Williams recent comments are simply stupid. Maybe Williams is a kind man, who doesn’t care about attention, money or anything other than helping golfers win…

Maybe, but when you make comments like Williams did the other night, it just doesn’t seem like that’s the case.

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