The next time I tee it up – I’m not going to leave the driver in the bag. I’m going to leave it in the storage closet, behind the roller blades I never use and maybe underneath some blankets and sheets I never pick up.

If you’ve been reading my Operation Don’t Suck posts you know I’ve been trying to get better at golf this year. I believe I’ve made important strides, but I’m still no stick. I still make loads of swing gaffes and struggle to break 90 every round.

One of the biggest reasons those scores refuse to go lower is the driver constantly gets me into trouble. It has a knack for sending the ball way right or right behind trees that I can’t clear. It’s responsible for more lost balls and dropped shots than any other club I’ve ever owned.

So next time I play golf, I’m not bringing it. There’s got to be value in learning to play 18 holes without the “grip it and rip it” club. Wouldn’t a few 18-hole rounds without a driver make someone a more creative player and a better thinker on the golf course? My guess is yes.

It’s not a permanent split for me and the driver. You need that club that can get you 30 or 40 more yards. And, when I hit it right, I do love the driver. But right now, I think Operation Don’t Suck has a better chance of advancing if the driver stays home for a round or two.

Have any of you ever tried anything like this? Do you think there’s anything to be gained by playing golf without a driver for a bit? If you think I’m nuts…I promise to keep taking it to the range and working on my swing.

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