Calm Down, Everybody

It was ugly. It was sandy; wet at times too. In all, it was about 10 shots more than anyone could have hoped it would be, but Tiger Woods opening round 77 isn’t as earth-shattering as everyone’s making it. Understand something, the guys makes four less...

Gary Forgets Garcia

I mean this in the nicest way – but Sergio Garcia belongs on a list of the best players never to win a major. I reiterate that I mean it in a nice way because usually one’s inclusion on the list is a painful reminder of their failure to capture one of golf’s greatest...

It’s Jason Day’s Turn For Glory

Don’t be surprised if glory’s last shot ends with the breakthrough of a major young talent. All year, Jason Day has knocked and knocked and knocked some more on the door of greatness. Look at his finishes in 2011: T9 at the World Golf Championship Accenture Match Play...

Must Read Alert: Bob Dicesare on Jake Katz.

Bob Dicesare of the Buffalo News has written a great column on local golf star Jake Katz and his desire to become a professional golfer.  Dicesare does a great job of expressing just how damn difficult it is to make it at the professional level. While we celebrate the...

Seeing Tiger’s Return From Every Angle

There was a moment yesterday afternoon when I had both Sports Illustrated’s live blog of Tiger Woods’ first competitive round of golf open and my Twitter feed following various tweets about the event…all while receiving text messages about his and...

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