The Masters Hype

Disclaimer:  I have never seen Augusta National Golf Course in person. Yes, I love watching The Masters on TV every year.  It has a large number of things in its favor:  it is usually a tightly contested tournament,  the course always looks like something out of a...

Demo days

Demo’ed clubs at the Paddock Dome Demo Days over the weekend and made the following observations: It’s hard to hit a really bad shot indoors, off of a mat.  Maybe someone could invent glasses that simulate a dome when we are on the actual course. For the...

To GPS or not to GPS

Now that I’ve had my Iphone for almost a year (after fighting the smart phone mania for many years), I must admit it is one of the coolest things I have ever owned.  As a phone it is no better or worse than any other phones I’ve owned, but, the apps. ...

So you think you’re a golfer

Recently, while visiting friends, I was browsing through a ‘gamer’ magazine that belonged to their teenage son.  Now I don’t normally read this kind of magazine, but, it was lying on the kitchen table so I decided to page through it to see what the...

The WGC 2011, etc.

Some random thoughts after two days of the WGC at Doral: Looking out of my window at a blustery, cold winter scene and watching golfers and fans in shorts and short-sleeved shirts in Miami, I asked myself ‘Why in God’s name do we choose to live in...

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