2012 Year in Review

Now that the 2012 golf season is officially over (I think), it is time to do a look-back at the year that was.  It was surely an interesting year on both  the male and female side of the ledger, but, not surprisingly, the year was dominated once again by the Ryder...

Playing better courses

By nature I am as far removed from snobbery as possible and I historically associate with the underdog.   I root for the servants in Downton Abbey and I still get misty-eyed every time Rudy takes the field in the waning seconds of his last game as a walk-on football...

20 months and counting

It is cold, windy and raining outside as I sit at my computer typing in this article. But, the adverse weather somehow doesn’t faze me in the least. And why is that, one might ask? The only answer I can give is that October of 2012 marks the 20th consecutive...

Meltdown in Medinah

I’m sure that everyone is familiar with the old saying ‘Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.’  Man, oh man, did I get bit big time on Sunday I had just finished playing golf on Sunday and as I was driving home, I started to think that it...

Great Expectations

I think it’s safe to say that golf is one difficult game.  Even though we love to play golf , it is hard to not get caught up in its frustrations from time to time.  For some it may even be that constant challenge that keeps them coming back, but, for others it...

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