Tiger Roasted By Media

On Monday of this week, Tiger Woods hosted an online video Q&A with questions provided by fans via social media.   Not unexpectedly, the real media were outraged that Tiger had bypassed them, the only people who could really ask the right questions, in favor of...

Tiger’s Mechanics

Am I the only one or is everyone else tired of hearing about Tiger and his mechanics?  It seems like nothing more than an excuse to address his real issues. Yes, last month’s win at Bay Hill may justify Tiger’s faith in his new swing, but, I’m just...

USGA Rules Golf Cup Is Too Small

8:00 AM, EST:  In a joint statement with the R&A rules committee, the USGA, after exhaustive research, has decided to increase the size of the golf hole from its current size of 4.25 inches to 7.25 inches.  This ruling will affect all amateur play, but, will...

‘Winter’ Golf Musings

Now that spring is officially upon us, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on (unquestionably) the best winter of golf ever in WNY: Except for the few folks who head south for the winter, most golfers always complain about ‘knocking’ the rust off...

Notes from the WGC at Doral

Just a few notes from the WGC at Doral: 1) Wonder if Tiger quits if he’s leading by two… 2) While I usually root for Yanks, it’s hard to root against Justin Rose who seems like a really nice guy. 3) The Doral course finally showed its teeth on Sunday...

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