Shorten Your Swing For More Power

Have you noticed recently that while the golf courses the tour pros play are getting longer and longer, their golf swings are getting shorter? Tiger’s done it. Sergio’s done it. Phil’s done it. Anthony Kim does it. Why is that? How can players whose livelihoods depend...

Tempo, Timing & Rhythm

Tour level players swing in a consistent rhythm of 3 to 1, backswing to forward swing, and the trend is actually gravitating towards 2.5 to 1 for the modern player’s swing. Tempo is elapsed time. A given tempo has two parts, backswing and forward swing....

Is It Time To Upgrade Your Irons?

“Should I upgrade my irons to get more distance”? One of the reasons for a decrease in distance has nothing to do with your set of clubs, but rather a change in your swing and a decrease in head speed which most often is a result of a decrease in your...

Swing Speed Myths

Today is another “Tom the Heretic” article. I’ve been doing a lot of research on swing speed lately, mainly in an effort to get some more for myself and to learn more about teaching it. Don’t believe otherwise – as you age it really is...

Groove Misconceptions

Well – it happened again last weekend during the Accenture Match Play Championship. Ian Baker Finch, former pro golfer and current color analyst for CBS, was talking about how the ball rolls up the face of an iron, hits the grooves, and thus get spin on a shot....

Tom’s Tips For An Improved 2011

The first thing I would do is have a look at your game last season and ask yourself what you did well and in what areas you could save strokes? In most cases we find that the short game and putting is always an area where a few strokes can slip away, given that it is...

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