Every year about this time, the Buffalo District Golf Association (BDGA) holds their local championship.  And every year, as I read about this event in The Buffalo News , it somehow gets me worked up a bit.  Let me try and explain.

While the BDGA championship is open to all registered players in the district (both private and public course players) with an index of 8.9 (I believe) or lower, you will never see a public links player win this event or even have a decent showing.  In fact, I’m not even sure if public course players enter this event.  If you were to ask yourself why this is, the only logical answer is that private course players are better golfers than public course players.  And, by results only, you would be right.  But, I’m not ready to concede that point completely.

For, in my opinion, the private players are so much better because the deck is so overwhelming stacked in their favor.  Take this year’s winner, Raman Luthra for example.  I’m  sure Mr. Luthra is a nice fellow and probably possesses some natural athletic ability, but, had he (or his family) not had the financial wherewithal to have private lessons from the age of 14 until now or had the privilege of playing at a superior course with practice facilities and a teaching pro at his beck and call or just had the chance to go out and play without waiting in a bag line or enduring 5 hour rounds at the local muni, I’m guessing you would never see his name at the top of any local golfing list.

The other thing that riles me up a bit is the coverage of this event by The Buffalo News.  The News treats this event (and the female version) as major local news events.  I’m actually fine with this except for the fact that The News rarely gives little or any coverage to any of the local Publinks events.   Now, I’m not asking for three day in depth coverage, but, they could at least throw us public course players a bone or two.

So, in the end, privilege wins out as it often does, but, us public course players will still keep hacking away with the knowledge that all of us golfers play the same game and we all get out of it just about the same results as the amount of time, effort and money that we put into it.

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