The weather must know it’s the holiday season as it keeps pouring out gifts for golfers in Western New York.

I checked my e-mail last night while taking in a college basketball game and saw Concord Crest Golf Course would be open today. Duffs and sticks alike who are looking for a December round can find it at a few courses in the area today. It’s December in Buffalo – and there is still golf to play.

Like most Western New Yorkers, I take pride in our tough winters. It’s a badge of honor that come ice, sleet or snow, we keep pushing onward and forward. The weather in this region helps breed a tougher kind of people.

That said, there’s nothing wrong with a weekend like this one. Instead of snow squalls and ice scrapers we’re talking outdoor walks and sunny skies. There’s an energy that’s currently filling the city and part of it stems from the weather we continue to receive.

I won’t be taking to the links today. But, I take comfort in knowing there will be December rounds in Buffalo. Hit them straight, hit them far and always play for birdie – It’s December, you’re already playing with house money.

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