This past weekend I played golf for the 22nd consecutive month in WNY.  That’s right.  Almost two straight years of playing golf in an area that is primarily known for chicken wings, losing football teams and snow…lots of snow.

But now, as I look at the upcoming weather forecast, it looks like, sadly, that this streak is about to come to an end.  Oh, I guess, it could warm up after this pending blast of cold and snow, but, knowing this region as well as I do, I think the end is near, very near.

Still, it has been a great run.  A run, that I highly doubt will ever be duplicated in my lifetime. I can remember years when we barely got five good months of golfing in and here I sit reminiscing about this fantastic gift of golf that was bestowed on myself and all of my fellow die-hards (with, I must admit, my sincerest condolences to the local skiing industry).

Outside of the sheer magnitude of almost two straight years of ‘hitting the links’, here are a few of my more fond memories:

Prior to this run, I had played golf in every month in WNY except for February.  Well, that bucket item list was gladly put to rest this past year.

Another hi-light was playing golf on New Year’s day at Terry Hills in Batavia under pristine blue skies with hardly any wind and temps in the low 40’s,  By the back nine, I had shed almost all of the layers of clothing that I started with.  That, my friends, is the best cure for a wee bit too much holiday cheer.

And, I wonder if it can possibly get any better than playing at Arrowhead in early march with temps in the 70’s and wearing shorts and a short sleeve golf short.  At times, it felt almost surreal.

So the clubs have been put away and it is time to move onto winter activities, but, man, it was great while it lasted.



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