Honestly, I’ve never paid much attention to Rod Pampling.

Guy’s a great player who puts his name on the front page of a leader board from time to time. He has his good days, his bad days and the occasional great one. He’s a player you recognize but rarely seek out if you ever happen to attend a live tournament.

Then you read a story about how Pampling took time to track down and personally thank every tournament director who gave him an extension in 2011 – and you’re forced to pay attention to the man for a moment. Pampling kept his PGA Tour card this season by a whisper as he came in at the 124th spot on the money list. He’ll be able to compete on tour regularly next year – and it would never have happened without the exemptions he received.

“They didn’t have to do that,” said Pampling of the tournament directors. “It was a simple gesture on their part and it’s not that hard to call and say ‘thanks for that.’ I was just trying to do the right thing. Hopefully, I wont need the invite again.”

If he does though, he might just find it. Several tournament directors have commented how rare it is to hear from a player in such a personal manner of thanks. AT&T National tournament director Greg McLaughlin event went so far to say, “as far as I’m concerned, he can play in one of my tournaments if he ever needs a spot. He’s set for life.”

Kindness matters. It’s a lesson we’re taught as children and reminded of throughout life, especially during the holiday season. It takes very little effort to say thank you, yet people often forget. Rod Pampling never forgot the fact that kindness matters – and that’s why he’ll be back on Tour in 2012.

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