If you recall, Mo Golf and I don’t exactly see eye-to-eye on belly putters. He’s a fan. I’m not. The fact that he’s a better player/putter is irrelevant. As I’ve said before and will say again, there are things a man should never do and use a belly putter is one of them.

I received some support for my argument this week from good ol’ Eldrick. Asked about belly putters during a press conference prior to the AT&T National Pro Am, Woods said, “I’ve never been a fan of it. I believe it’s the art of controlling the body and club and swinging the pendulum motion. I believe that’s how it should be played. I’m a traditionalist when it comes to that.”

Maybe Woods and I are just old school and we’re not up to speed with the new regime that likes anchoring the flat stick in their abdomen. So be it. There will never be room in my golf bag for a belly putter

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