2012 – Seeing The Subtle Things

You can learn a lot about yourself from a tree you didn’t event notice. It happened to me this past summer when I was golfing with Mo Golf and Scrambler during our Bethpage Binge in July. We stood atop a Par 3 tee deck somewhere in the beautiful golf abyss that...

Golf “Things” That Earn My Gratitude

As I reflect on 2011’s golfdom, I have no idea the number that will precede the word “Golf” in the title of this post. It might be 10, or 5, or hopefully plural. My persona finds it impossible to not spend the last days of a year in purposeful...

More Memories From 2011…

Mo’Golf inspired me last week when he gave thanks for his favorite golf memories of 2011. I’ve always believed it’s important to look back for a short time before we begin moving forward. I’m hopeful Scrambler, Rico and everyone else on the site will jump in with...

Giving Thanks…One Month Late

I’m dashing off this quick little blurb about one month too late for Thanksgiving. I looked forward before I looked back at 2011. It was a memorable golfing year for me and I’d like to take the time to share those memories and gratitude with you. ~The...

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