A few quick  thoughts after day one at The Masters and just before day two gets underway

~ Rory McIlroy is boy genius kind of good when it comes to golf. It’s going to be hard for him to hold the lead all the way through and win, but he’s going to win a lot of major titles during his career.

~ If Tiger Woods is going to become a big-time factor in this event, he needs a strong day two. He’s never had a knack for kicking the tar out of the course on day one…this is his day to make a move.

~ Just in case you were wondering…McIlroy and Alvaro Quiros were on my Top 30 young players list earlier this year. They’re proving me right.

~ My pre-tournament pick to win was Bubba Watson and I’m sticking with it for now. I think Watson is capable of a big move today to get himself back in to it.

~ I put Sergio Garcia on my “Guys Who Won’t Win This Week List,” but there’s nobody I’d rather see win. I’m a huge Garcia fan — but I’m skeptical he’ll put four days together. Fingers crossed.

~ Mickelson looked a bit all over the place yesterday. He won’t be able to scramble for four straight days and win…just saying.

~ Luke Donald went from +3 to -1 in three holes yesterday — that’s not bad.

~ Matt Kuchar is always around the top of the leaderboard. Could this be his week?

~ Looking for a lesser-known guy to play well today and surprise people — D.A. Points. He’s at even par and might make a move today.

Enough for now. Let’s do this….here comes Round 2 of a Tradition Unlike Any Other.

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