Like most people (I presume), I root exclusively for the home team.  So it was a no-brainer this past week to root for the good ‘ol US of A in the President’s Cup in Australia.  Hey it was us agin’ them.  Plus, as an added bonus, I got to root against Greg Norman.  I have to admit, I know nothing about the man, but, he always seems a bit arrogant to me.  Of course, when you are successful,  attractive and idolized by so many people, it would not be very diffiuclt to either be arrogant or to seem arrogant.

This leads me to my dilemma.  I have to admit that I found myself on some level rooting for the Internationals.  There were a number of factors that kept my rooting interests vacillating.

The sheer joy and exuberance the Aussie fans displayed no matter how their guys were doing was quite impressive.  It is hard not to respect that kind of passion.

Plus the sheer scope and beauty of the country and their love of the outdoors made me feel like they somehow deserve to bask in the glow of a triumph.

And the players on the International team seem so low key it was almost painful to root against them.  It’s easy to root against Ian Poulter and Sergio Garcia, but, how do you root against Ernie Els or YE Yang

But, in the end, I was rooting for us versus them, but, in my heart, I don’t think I would have been very upset if the Internationals had won.  Now, the Ryder Cup – I already dislike the Euro’s and I don’t even know who will be on the team.




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