Some random thoughts after two days of the WGC at Doral:

Looking out of my window at a blustery, cold winter scene and watching golfers and fans in shorts and short-sleeved shirts in Miami, I asked myself ‘Why in God’s name do we choose to live in Buffalo?’.  Then, hurricane-force winds whipped through the course, knocking over TV towers and scoreboards and suddenly the snow didn’t seem near as bad.

I honestly believe Tiger has lost his mojo forever.  I am sure somewhere the gods are looking down at Mr. Woods and thinking,’Man, we gave it all to you.  Looks, brains and talent and you had to screw it up (pun intended).  Now, my friend, it is pay back time.’

Speaking of Tiger.  You had to love his 172 yd. drive on Friday.  At least I did.  Of course, he then proceeded to hit his 3 wood around 245 yds.  But, still, I’m sure that drive made quite a few ‘Sunday drivers’ break out in at least a small smile.

The announcers keep talking about how Martin Kaymer has ‘inherited’ Berhard Langer’s German genes.  I just hope he didn’t inherit Berhard’s ‘slow play gene’.

Loius Oosthuizen is more and more looking like a one-hit, recent-major-winning wonder.  BTW, you can probably add Stewart Cink,Lucas Glover, Trevor Immelman, Zach Johnson and Y.E. Yang to that list.  It seems a bit unfair to me that a golfer can get hot for a week that happens to fall on a major tournament week and suddenly he achieves immortality.  Perhaps golf could institute a rule that if you don’t win a 2nd major in your career, your only major is downgraded to a ‘minor-major’.

It is amazing that Dottie Pepper and Roger Maltbie seem to have almost complete opposite personalities, yet each in their own way does a great job of on-course commentary.  It just goes to show that there is no blueprint for how one gets a job done.  This should be a great lesson for anyone in management, industry or any hiring capacity.

OK, gotta’ run.

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